Learning environments




The Wombat Room

In our Wombat Room we cater for children aged between two and three years old.  This is an exciting time of their lives where they are learning to make friends, are becoming confident and adventurous with new activities and starting to gain independence. It is important for each child to feel safe and secure so that they can explore their new world, and make sense of it. The educators at Care-A-Lot provide a curriculum and environment where children have a positive head start in achieving these important skills. This is accomplished by a diverse program based on the children’s individual interests and needs and through their exploration during play.

The Kookaburra Room

The Kookaburra Room is our preschool room and we cater for children aged between four and five years old.  Within our preschool program, we begin to develop the basic skills children will utilise in kindergarten or ‘big’ school and which are a prerequisite for the rest of their school years.  We assist children to grow in confidence and have a strong sense of identity and resilience, gain independence and self reliance, have the capability to work independently as well as within a group situation, strengthen social skills and conflict resolution strategies.  It is our aim to encourage each child to achieve their best and foster an interest in learning.


Our Preschool Program consists of:

  • Early literacy and numeracy skills
  • Exciting projects and experiences
  • News Day to encourage public speaking skills
  • Excursions to the local schools
  • Regular external providers that focus on the children’s physical development eg soccer,  dancing and fundamental skills groups.
  • Comprehensive school readiness reports at the end of the year that are a thorough overview of the child’s development prior to going to school.

What does our curriculum in the Wombat and Kookaburra Rooms look like?

  • We work in small and large groups as well as individually
  • We strengthen each child’s resilience and ability to express emotions
  • We practice social skills to build positive relationships
  • We extend language and communication skills
  • We celebrate and learn about culture and diversity
  • We fine tune our self help skills so we can be independent
  • We work on our early literacy and numeracy skills through a variety of provisions and activities
  • We encourage interests and decision making skills by providing children with a choice during indoor and outdoor play.
  • We have ample opportunities to express thoughts, ideas and feelings through creative arts
  • We strengthen our physical abilities with music and movement, exercise, games and our outdoor equipment.
  • We engage in sensory exploration and messy play
  • We cook up a storm in the kitchen and stimulate our taste buds
  • We learn the skills and knowledge to have healthy bodies and minds
  • We explore our natural environment and discover what we can do to be sustainable
  • We engage in project work to follow up on the children’s diverse interests
  • We use technology to extend our early literacy and numeracy skills as well as researching topics of interest
  • We have numerous exciting incursions that visit kindy and are connected to our learning.
  • We adventure out and explore our local community.
  • We explore and learn about current events and what is happening in the world around us.

Come and see for yourself

We feel it is important for you to visit Care-A-Lot to see if it is the right fit for all involved.
Arrange a time to visit Care-A-Lot

Contact us

Come and visit us:
32 Carnegie Circuit, Chifley  2036
Give us a call:
02 9661 3048

Hours of operation:
Monday to Friday
7.30 am – 5.30 pm

Children at service:

28 children a day
Wombat’s Room
2 - 3 years
Kookaburra’s Room (Preschool Room)
4 - 5 years

Want a tour?

If you are interested in setting  up a time for a tour of Care-A-Lot please leave your details and we will be in contact with you to organise.  We look forward to meeting you and your child.